Friday, April 30, 2010

Keep It Real DocChuck/Charles Richard Treuter

In 2009 DocChuck/Charles Richard Treuter posted the rather inane comment/argumentative response at a food blog site:
As one who is composed of LOTS of German blood, I can tell you that wienerschnitzel does NOT have to be veal. In fact, in the old country, veal is (well, actually WAS) a very rare and expensive ingredient.
My paternal grandparents (who escaped from the 1930’s Berlin) used everything from chicken to pork.

BUSTED: DocChuck/Charles Richard Treuter why do you insist on your attempts to rewrite history?  Are you hoping that the CEO of OBAMANATION UPON THE NATION, INC. will find a place for you in his fraudulent "administration"? Your highly laughable fabrications have all been, without an exception, created in your own imagination and twisted mind.  For you to expect others to buy into your bullshit simply makes no sense whatsoever.

Charles, your paternal grandparents didn’t arrive in the United States from Germany to escape Hitler’s rise and fall. Oscar and Anna Treuter were both born and reared in New Orleans, LA. Oscar served in the United States army in WWI and claimed he was a victim of mustard gas. That World War was prior to Hitler’s regime. Your paternal great grandfather, William (a Lutheran), did immigrate from Germany but when he arrived in the U.S. he married into a mixed family.  And his son, Oscar, married your paternal grandmother, Anna, who was a descendant of the Hoyle families that had migrated to the United States from the British Isles.

Here’s an interesting fact for your edification:
You are not all that Germanic in point of fact. You are a mixture of German, Irish, English (James Gatewood, your maternal grandfather was of English "stock" whereas his wife, Jessie Gatewood was of Irish "stock") and now for the REAL SHOCKER: you also have Jewish blood in your "composition", thanks to your paternal great-grandfather's marriage into that mixed (Irish catholic and Jewish family).  Yo, Charles, are you still breathing?

Keep it real, “doc” and please cut out your bullshit or at least stop trying to feed it to other Internet posters and bloggers.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

ROTFALMAO - DocChuck's New Spins And Backpedaling

The_ Ferret hasn’t and won’t back off so much as an inch in keeping the pressure on “DocChuck” with respect to exposing his lies and absurd claims. As a result of this Blog the “Doc”, rather than continue to be confronted by this Blog’s readers and have to try to answer their tough questions and comments and conclusions, simply chose to remove his B.S. educational/schooling segment from his MySpace cover/profile page. He knows that The_Ferret BUSTED him big time.

Now, let’s look at some of the wildly ludicrous claims which remain on that page and deal with them.

About me:

I spend my time divided among our small horse ranch in Arkansas, [No such ranch exists except in the vivid imagination of the “Doc” so The_Ferret has determined that the “small horse ranch is actually a LARGE pile of HORSESHIT] our primary home in San Antonio, Texas, [Pssst, “Doc”, why doesn’t San Antonio Appraisal and Tax Department have NO records of that primary residence on any of its books? Shouldn’t they, “Doc”?? The “Doc” didn’t expect that The_Ferret would do such a detailed investigation but that’s what The_Ferret was commissioned to do so as to discover any/all real property against which lis pendens can be filed so the property can’t suddenly be “dumped”, “sold”, or fraudulently transferred in an attempt to protect it from the claims of the litigation the “Doc” will be facing.] our condo in North Carolina, [“Doc”, where in North Carolina is that condo located, LOL?] our timeshare in the Yucatan (UPDATE: SOLD because of mexican drug gangs), [Come on, “Doc”!! That bit of face saving bullshit won’t fly. The_Ferret was way ahead of you and had already established that no such timeshare existed. “Doc”, did you ever consider a career as a standup comedian?] my wife's clinic in the UK, [Yeah, right! NOT.] and with my wife who is presently on temporary assignment in Maryland.

“DocChuck”, just between you and me and the fence post you are beginning to look more and more like the damned fool folks have been saying you are when they chose to reply to your inane rants and insane ravings. That’s got to be really humiliating after thinking you had your Internet friends standing in such awe of your Herculean accomplishments.

"Doc" have you no shame whatsoever? Have you no self esteem? Have you no dignity? Being just another speck of dust on planet Earth wasn't enough for you so you had to create your fantasy claims? Did you really think you'd never be BUSTED, "Doc"? How sad. How pathetic. How truly pitiful. And worse, you've even claimed that you did 4 years of "government service" so as to attempt to convince others to believe that your gutless self had served in the Viet Nam war? "Doc", you were too damned yellow to do what your brother Douglas Treuter did and go serve to fight for the freedom of others and to protect the interests of the United States...that's really over the top, "Doc", really, really over the top and so Deplorable - with a big capital "D"..

ROTFALMAO!!! To The_Ferret's Blog's readers...stayed tuned... there's more to come.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

DocChuck/Charles Richard Treuter Lies! Surprised?

Below is a cut and paste portion of DocChuck/Charles Richard Treuter's My Space profile page:
Within its claims are more lies. Knowing what we do about the "Doc" it's not surprising, is it?

About me:
I am a former professor of Higher Education and an academic at heart. You were not a professor of Higher Education and certainly no academic in fact or within the real world...but in your heart, okay, lol. Chuck, come on and 'fess up, the truth is that your work history is mostly about being fired from one job after another. Most of which were in retail stores requiring no more than a high school diploma, if even that. My Academic Credentials: Assoc., Electrical Engineering; B.S. Ed. - Univ. of Houston; M.Ed. - Univ. of Houston; Ed.D. - Univ. of Houston; Ph.D. (Extension of Ed.D.) - Univ. of Texas. You're talking through that goofy looking hat you were wearing when you posed for your MySpace photo. Such a claim is a sham and a stupid one at that!! Visiting Professor: (1) University of Alaska, (2) College of the Bahamas, (3) Arkansas State University. Sorry, Chuck, that's also pure and unadulterated bullshit. I am now retired, but I still advise (coach) Doctoral students on their dissertations. Chuck, where do you come up with such crap and how do you convince yourself to put it into print for the whole world to read? Sorry, but once again it's bullshit, plain and simple. My wife (a medical professional and corporate executive) Er, hmmmm, Chuck, she is a nurse, period!! and I spend most of our time traveling, investing in real estate, and gourmet cooking Horseshit, Chuck, nothing but horseshit. (we DO NOT eat in restaurants, except when traveling). I spend my time divided among our small horse ranch in Arkansas,our primary home in San Antonio, Texas, our condo in North Carolina, our timeshare in the Yucatan, her clinic in the UK, Chuck, you are one sad pathological liar with an overly active imagination - none of those "places" exist except within your twisted mind! You are nearing the age of 68, time to step back into or at least toward reality and to grow up and/or get a real life. with my wife who is presently on temporary assignment in Maryland.

Who I'd like to meet:
My wonderful wife, TEN years earlier than I did. WONDERFUL? If you say so, Chuck. Did you think she was wonderful in 1994 or thereabouts when she appealed to your now deceased mother to loan her the money needed to divorce your lying ass and hightail it away from you and your ca-ca? Huh? Well, did you, DocChuck? Anyone else I would care to meet is already dead. Interesting and side-splittingly laughable.

Bottom Line, Chuck: You're BUSTED!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words...OR MORE!

Above is a cartoon drawing which is worth far more than a thousand words. It is a "doctored" (pun intended) cartoon which was the final straw which broke the proverbial camel's back with respect to his relationship with his now deceased mother, Nellie Vernon Treuter, who referred to the "cartoon" as the end of the road with her relationship with Charles Richard Treuter, resulting in her disowning him and disinheriting him (removing him from her last will and testament and making certain that he wouldn't receive so much as a penny from her estate whenever she died (after all, she reasoned he had already defrauded her out of hundreds of thousands of dollars and had physically assaulted her when she confronted him about the issue - sending her to the hospital with serious injuries as he fled from Houston, Texas).

DocChuck/Charles Richard Treuter - Racist, Bigot, or Both?

Is Charles Richard Treuter a racist, a bigot, or both?

The_Ferret knows, all too well, that the answer to the proffered question is a resounding YES! Charles Richard Treuter is both.

But as an investigator, The_Ferret thinks one should come to their own conclusions. To that end, you are invited to read the following emails and an open letter to "DocChuck"/Charles Richard Treuter and his condescending reply (which reveals the anti-semitic side of his vile nature. :

Date: Fri, Oct 9, 2009 4:00 pm

Yes, our 'hounds' say that their file of private investigator's findings pertaining to our case is progressing nicely, bolstered by my notarized copy of Mother Treuter's will that I secured (of course) before leaving Houston, Texas, (because I simply could NOT live around filthy mexicans you understand).

An Open Letter to DocChuck
December 1st, 2009
Posted by Natalie Sztern
Dear DocChuck,
You are right in that you are the last person I want to hear from. However, I want to address you.

Based on all the allegations and suggestions, if correct, you make Rush Limbaugh look like a passive left Liberal. The very fact that you find it necessary to state your ethnicity as Caucasian White speaks volumes.
IF one were to take certain of your comments regarding Females of Asian and African descent at face value and assuming all the allegations that have been lodged against you were true, one could easily come to the conclusion that your “Persona” is that of a bigot and a racist. I am smart enough not to take you or your Persona at face value, I see much deeper.
I choose not to believe the preponderance of who or what you state you are: you list everything that America considers valuable: education, travel, properties abroad, PhD’s, Ivy-league schools, a spouse who is a Medical Practitioner, a medical clinic in the UK, and Professorships both past and Emeritus. One would think that if indeed you are what you say you are, then you would not feel the need to meticulously display it for the world to see. You also list your income- that deserves a chuckle. It is a documented fact that this is one of the psychological traits of abusive men. To elevate themselves in order to feel powerful.
The allegations, if true, that you have taken to harassing people of ‘Asian descent’ is despicable - the allegations, if true, that you have harassed innocent young people trying to make a living, having young and no children, is abhorrent. All the cumulative allegations, if true, of these internet assaults on these young Adults is repulsive. I have spent a lifetime protecting women against people who have done what you are alleged to have done. Any malicious act of a conscious nature is reprehensible and epitomizes everything that is terribly bad about the internet.
The fact that you link to me on MySpace and place my name in comments with yours is completely out of my control and really quite ironic. It is unfortunate that those you are alleged to have harassed don’t have the smarts to figure that out. I do.
The most important statement that you have made through all of these allegations is your silence. You have never stated anywhere to me that you deny any of these allegations. There is no question in my mind, because of this, that you take glee and relish and that is the scariest part of all of this.
I cannot stop you from speaking my name: it is how I announce myself on the web and I made a conscious decision not to disguise myself with nicknames. I stand by that decision and I am proud to be Natalie Sztern.
DocChuck, you can attempt to “friend” me all you want, but know this. As a child of Holocaust Survivors, I cannot tolerate racism and bigotry, verbal or otherwise. I cannot prove that you are so, however, you have chosen not to deny all the allegations against you and that together with your MySpace Profile, there are strong suggestions that this is a distinct possibility. I do not wish to be associated with you.
These girls are not bullying me: they are afraid and fearful and I have seen this so many times before that it actually tires me.
That said, I will not continue to put ammunition out there that induces you to more of these unconscionable acts. I will not attempt to make you feel guilt: that would be futile and useless – so I am closing down Eye’z in a Cookbook because this is what I have decided to do: I will not be party to evil.
Don’t for one moment think I am backing down from them, I and I alone, own this decision. I am taking a stand against you. I fought for the rights of women against abuse for years and I am not stopping now.
What surprises me most is that you have attempted to choose a Jew to be your best internet friend….and by the way, I likely have a mixture of European, African and Asian descent…and I am proud of that.

An Open Letter to Natalie Sztern
Current mood: chipper
Category: Blogging
In that you felt the need to “address” me with an "Open Letter" on your blog (, I will break my self-imposed rule and briefly respond to some of your remarks.
 I never attempted nor desired to ‘befriend’ you. YOU responded to my MySpace site and requested that I add you to my 'friend’s list', from which, by the way, I removed you several months ago, after becoming concerned about your emotional stability. Hmmm, her emotional stability?  LOL, what about yours?
 If you choose “ ... not to believe the preponderance of who or what you state you are”, that is your choice. Anyone with a degree of internet proficiency can easily verify my academic credentials, my published dissertations, Hmmm, please cite the link(s), LOL! and anything else they so desire. What you believe is not really important to me.  Hmmm, obviously it's very important to you or otherwise you'd have no need to embellish and outright lie about your claims.  Are you and the BO stench of liberalism related?, LOL!
 Natalie, I did NOT attempt to ‘befriend’ you, I only attempted to ‘inform’ you. For you to think that I am in need of you as an ‘internet friend’ is amusing to me, to say the least. And, your comment that you "... do not wish to be associated with ..." me, I guess I was NOT aware that you were. Such an 'association' certainly would NOT be my first choice.  Hmmm, why then did you request her friendship?  LOL!
 You would have me believe that you are more intelligent than Dr. Sigmund Freud (regarding his studies of females of Asian and African extraction …)? Sorry, I have serious doubts about your formal training in psychology. From what university did you receive your Ph.D. in psychology?  Hmmm, she doesn't claim to have a PhD in psychology, "DocChuck"/Charles Richard Treuter, but you do and I've established that such a claim is unadulterated bullshit.  Are you aware that the University of Texas knows nothing about your claim and that your making it is a prosecutable crime in the State of Texas?  ROTFALMAO!
 FINALLY, your comment, “You have never stated anywhere to me that you deny any of these allegations”. REALLY? Do you honestly think that I feel the need to deny "allegations" (fabricated by a group of female 'recipe bloggers') to you or to anyone else? Surely you cannot be serious. But if you are, then you are unrealistic.

Perhaps you did make the right decision in deciding to avoid the internet (and thereby the world). Some people simply are not emotionally prepared to deal with reality.

Have a good day, Natalie (is that what 'Shalom' means, as you posted on your 'Open Letter to DocChuck' ?). I'm sorry, but I do not understand hebrew.

From: Daddy Warbucks
Date: Fri, Feb 5, 2010 1:32 pm

Did I ever tell you what REALLY pissed me off about Mother Treuter? It was the day that she and your mexican wife invited themselves to visit MY home. Then YOUR wife sat on MY sofa and started spouting off all of that jesus-hugging, superstitious, uneducated, bullshit religious nonsense.

When I told Mother Treuter that I did NOT care to hear it (after all, I am an EDUCATED person - Mother Treuter paid for my Master’s and my Doctoral degrees), she got REALLY pissed off.

Then there was the time that Mother Treuter brought your mexican wife’s illegitimate kid to MY home (even though Mother Treuter paid for my home there on Twilight Moon Drive – it did NOT give her the right to bring mexicans into my house!).

Did you know that we (Mother Treuter and I) paid CASH for that cute little house (and all the furnishings) I had in Harvest Bend, there in Texas? Somehow, Mother Treuter just made it happen. And I was so pleased to live in that house until I could get away from all the niggers and mexicans (especially the mexicans) polluting the State of Texas.  Hmmm, more than enough said!  How pathetically sad and sick you are, "DocChuck"/Charles Richard Treuter.